Since 1 march 2020 we provide Meteodata of 8,948 weatherstations worldwide. Every day approximately 5,300 of these weatherstations carry out multiple meteorological measurements which we can collect. The most of them each hour (22%), followed by each half hour (12%) and each 20 minutes (24%). For the remaining 52% of the weatherstations, the number of measurements varies from 1 (29 weatherstations once per 24 hours) to around 600 (1 weatherstation every 2 minutes). With meteodata.xlsx we have developed an easy-to-use instrument to look up meteorological data and (cooling) degreedays.
In meteodata.xlsx an overview of the weatherstations is presented in the sheet 'Upload Weatherstations'. For each weatherstation the location on Google maps can be found and the average measurements per day is given. If the average measurements per day is 0, this means that no measurements are available. In the figure below only the weatherstations 'Paramaribo' and 'Johan a. pengel' have measured meteorological data since 1 march 2020.
Figure worksheet Upload Weatherstations in meteodata.xlsx (large picture)
Quality of measurements
We measure the dayly the meteorological data of the weatherstations and measure the results as shown in the table below.
- From 3,198 weatherstations the data could not be loaded.
- Approximately 450 till 550 weatherstations deliver dayly 0 results and this group differs day by day.
- By far the largest group delivers on a dayly basis meteorological data.
Informations of all these weatherstations can be found in meteodata.xlsx.
Table Meteodata if weatherstations in june 2020 (large picture)
In the figure below is shown that on one june 2020 most of the weatherstations measure meteorological data each hour (1,643, 31%), followed by each half hour (706, 13%, 622) and each 20 minutes (711, 13%). For the remaining weatherstations (2,220, 42%) the number of measurements varies from 1 to 600 (every 2 minutes).
Regularly these weatherstations produce each day with around the same amount of measurements. However this can vary. In the figure 'worksheet Upload Weatherstations' in meteodata.xlsx the average production of meteodata of Paramaribo equals 12.4. This means 60% of the dayly measurements could be 12 and 40% could be 13. One has to dive into the details of this station in order to analyse how the 12.4 is exactly produced.
Figure Dayly measurements versus Weatherstations on 1 june 2020
Published data
In the table below an overview is given of the fields which will be published and can be measured. Not all the measured data will be presented. Most commonly measured variables are outdoor temperature, wind direction, wind speed, pressure an cloud cover. For calculating (cooling) degreedays the data about temperatures will be enough. In the published data there are some administrative fields such as information of the weatherstation and date and time when the measurement took place.
Figure worksheet Upload Weatherstations in meteodata.xlsx (large picture)